Sunday, October 31, 2010


Up until yesterday, I have avoided questions about "Do you think he is alive?" because in all honesty I didn't know. I had my thoughts and beliefs but nothing concrete to go on. I was planning on one more trip out to L.A. and just chat with a few more people who I honestly thought would end up as a dead end. I was wrong...I think I have found a smoking gun, but I am not sure I understand its meaning.

The new contract that Michael has with Sony.... 10 albums in 10 years....200 million? Michael signed himself in February.... It is being refered to by those in the know... as the "Thriller" contract....It is not with the Michael Jackson Estate but with Michael Jackson himself...
I have not seen this contract as I would not have access to such, but I spoke to someone who should know and knew that I cared a lot about Michael, knew I was investigating his death.

I have come to believe that the more people who know now, the safer Michael will be. I have my reasons and will explain at a later date.


  1. I hope that your suspicions are true and more than that, that MJ is actually alive and safe! Thank you and God bless.

  2. But on the other hand, how to explain this "impasse" of the Jackson family vs Sony? That is, if MJ is still alive he would allow his name in the mud? Why does your family do so? I'm confused ...

    Michael Jackson's Kids: It's Not Daddy's Voice!
    01/11/2010 9:40 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

    The Michael Jackson album Sony is about to release is a fraud, According to members of Michael Jackson's family.

    We've Learned Sony is determined to release the album for Christmas, and Believe The songs are all authentic. We're Told MJ and his kids in New Jersey Were When he recorded the tracks with Producers in 2007.

    Sources tell us Paris and Prince now believe some of the songs on the album are fakes - not Michael's voice. Sony, we're told, is all Convinced of the songs are the real deal. Howard Weitzman, lawyer for the estate, he tells TMZ HAD experts listen to the tracks and all of the experts Concluded it's Michael's voice on all the tracks.

    Other family members Also Jackson believe some of the tracks are phony. There is a stalemate, Although at this point no one is talking lawsuit.
